MADAGASCAN Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forest (Rainforest)

Kingdom Plantae

Order Alismatales 

Family Araceae

Pothos spp.

A genus of over 50 species. Usually grow as vines flat up against tree trunks in the rainforest. They often have a 'double' leaf shaped like a candle and flame. Species are found in Australia, New Guinea, through south-east Asia and on islands of the tropical Indo-Pacific.

(Masoala, Madagascar)

 Pothos scandens. Wide distribution through tropical Asia and Indo-Pacific islands.

Order Arecales

Family Arecaceae: Palms

Raphia spp. 'Raffia Palms'

There are about 20 species of Raffia Palm. One species is found in the Neotropics, with the rest native to Africa and Madagascar. They flower and fruit once in their lives, and then die. The fibre from the leaves is commonly used for a natural rope.

(Nosy Boraha/Sainte-Marie Madagascar)

Raphia farinifera, 'Raffia Palm'. Native to Africa and naturalised in Madagascar.

Order Asparagales
Family Orchidaceae

Order Dioscoreales

Family Dioscoreaceae

tacca-masoala(Masoala, Madagascar)

Tacca leontopetaloides, 'Polynesian Arrowroot'. Shrub with distinctive large leaves, long hanging thread like bracteoles from the flowers, and ribbed fruits. Widespread. Native to islands of south-east Asia and probably introduced and then naturalised by people into many areas of tropical Indo-Pacific.

Order Rosales

Family Moraceae

 Ficus sp. 'Fig'

A genus of over 850 species found throughout the tropics and warmer parts of the world, and are particularly diverse in tropical rainforests.

(Masoala, Madagascar)

Perhaps Ficus polyphlebia?. This species has been observed 'fruiting' in massive lumps (as pictured above, in background).

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